O editorial da Nature destaca a importância dos cientistas blogarem

O fenômeno "blogue" está atingindo a ciência, principalmente nos EUA. Vários cientistas estão colocando seus trabalhos em discussão pública, mesmo antes de publicar. O resultado tem sido animador, devido ao retorno de outros colegas acadêmicos apontando as falhas e virtudes dos estudos desenvolvidos. O resultado são estudos mais amadurecidos e densos. Além disso, os blogues tem aproximado a academia da divulgação científica.Um atalho direto entre o cientista e os outros cidadãos.
O texto começa assim:
"It's good to blog
Is blogging a part of science, journalism or public discourse? In fact it may be all of these — an ambiguity that can sometimes leave scientists feeling uncertain about the rules of the game."
"Indeed, researchers would do well to blog more than they do. The experience of journals such as Cell and PLoS ONE, which allow people to comment on papers online, suggests that researchers are very reluctant to engage in such forums. But the blogosphere tends to be less inhibited, and technical discussions there seem likely to increase.Moreover, there are societal debates that have much to gain from the uncensored voices of researchers. A good blogging website consumes much of the spare time of the one or several fully committed scientists that write and moderate it. But it can make a difference to the quality and integrity of public discussion."