Uma visão inovadora sobre a relação entre cavalos e humanos

1. O cavalo é o servo e o cavaleiro ou a amazona é o mestre?
2. A relação de obediência, de trabalho e treinamento do cavalo com humanos pode ser afetiva?
3. Você entende tudo (ou quase) sobre comportamento de cavalos?
4. Já conhece um etograma completo de equinos?
Se alguma das suas respostas para as questões 1 a 3 foi "Sim" ou para a questão 4 foi "Não", então você precisa ler esse artigo abaixo:

The horse–human dyad: Can we align horse training and handling activities with

the equid social ethogram?

P.D. McGreevy , C. Oddie , F.L. Burton , A.N. McLean

a b s t r a c t

This article examines the recently completed equid ethogram and shows how analogues of social interactions

between horses may occur in various human–horse interactions. It discusses how some specific

horse–horse interactions have a corresponding horse–human interaction – some of which may be

directly beneficial for the horse while others may be unusual or even abnormal. It also shows how correspondent

behaviours sometimes become inappropriate because of their duration, consistency or context.

One analogue is unlikely to hold true for all horse–human contexts, so when applying any model from

horse–horse interactions to human–horse interactions, the limitations of the model may eclipse the

intended outcome of the intervention. These limitations are especially likely when the horse is being ridden.

Such analyses may help to determine the validity of extrapolating intra-specific interactions to the

inter-specific setting, as is advocated by some popular horse-training methods, and highlight the subsequent

limitations where humans play the role of the ‘alpha mare’ or leader in horse handling and training.

This examination provides a constructive framework for further informed debate and empirical investigation

of the critical features of successful intra-specific interactions.

Acesse pelo portal da Capes ou peça emprestado: P.D. McGreevy et al. / The Veterinary Journal 181 (2009) 12–18.


Unknown disse…
como faz para pedir um artigo emprestado? gostaria muito de ter acesso a esse trabalho sobre comportamento de equinos relacionado aos humanos. meu e-mail:

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